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Guest Blog: The Phoenix Art Museum

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Hey, this is Jenni. For the last few months I have spent my Wednesday nights attending Free Admission night at the Phoenix Art Museum ( Every exhibit I have seen there has been impressive, but one in particular keeps me going back for more. The "Paper!" Exhibit ( aims to explore all the many artistic usages of paper over time, and it's role in both single and three dimensional artistic works. The exhibit has some interactive elements to it as well, inviting people to use sticky notes to express their favorite usage of paper, suggestions on other mediums to include, and what the exhibit meant to them. Reading these sticky notes is always my favorite part of the trip. Sadly the exhibit will be gone by next Wednesday, but I do have the upcoming "Modern Spirit: Fashion of the 1920's" exhibit ( to look forward to!

no particular artist

"Northwest Coat Mask" ANDY WARHOL. (Screenprint)

paper dresses from the 1960's

paper dresses from the 1960's

Phariseo" PAUL PLETKA (Color Lithograph)

"Skeletons" GEORGES ROUAULT (Drypoint Etching) 

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