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Pat Kirch: Thought About Touring

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When we first started touring I would get so home sick, especially when we were out of the country. I just wanted to get back home. I always enjoyed the shows and meeting everyone but everything else in the day just felt long and dragged out. I didn't have a phone, I didn't know where to eat, so it just became a drag. Sitting on the bus now in England it is strange to think back on those first few tours because it all feels so normal now and I enjoy it and exploring the cities we get to visit. We get to see so many places I would have never thought and we get to continue to come back to these places and see faces over and over again which is what makes it all worth it. I love that when we go to Chicago and see the same faces we have for the past five years. Everyone has grown with us and the music. That is the goal, to be able to write the songs we want and continue to play them for people. Let's do it for years to come.


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