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This Century: "Skeletons" Contest

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This Century posted a new contest for their song "Skeletons." Directions on how to enter the contest are below. Visit the bands FaceBook post for complete details. 

Greetings TC Family,

In celebration of our latest single "Skeletons", we're launching a new contest! 

Do you like to dance? Maybe you like dancing in front of the mirror or choreographing a dance with your friends or dancing ridiculously or seriously or crazy. Well if so, then this is the contest for you! It's all quite simple:

1. Bust out your macbook, video camera, etc.
2. Film yourself and/or your friends dancing your hearts out
to our song "Skeletons" 
3. Send us the .mov file OR post the video to youtube and send us the link to the email address:

There will be a Grand Prize winner and 4 runner-ups but even if you submit, we'll be compiling a bunch of our favorite videos together and making one giant lovely video out of it :)

Hello You!

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