8123 carving contest:
- Carve us an EPIC 81twentythree.com or 8123 artist related pumpkin
- Take a picture (make sure that baby is lite up!!), @ reply us on Twitter/Instagram and include #my8123pumpkinrulez
- We will post all the pumpkins we receive on the Facebook page and blog
- YOU the people will choose the winners!
- We will post all submissions on Halloween so make sure you are submitted before then!
8123 costume contest:
- Email Tanner@EightyOneTwentyThree.com ONE costume pic of yourself or a friend
- It doesn't have to be 8123 related but it will definitely score you bonus points!
- The winners costume will be posted on our blog
Winners will receive some prizes from the 81twentythree.com store! Have fun, be safe and we can't wait to see the creativity!
- Tanner