“Hello, i'm mikey. i enjoy friends / photography / bicycles / painting / illustration / all things crunchy.”

What medium(s) do you use?
Recently oil/acrylic on wood, but I really enjoy trying anything new. I've worked with pen and watercolor frequently in the past. I miss that!
Where do you show you art (galleries/street/1st Fri?)
I think my art gets most of it's exposure online, but I have also been fortunate to show my work at a couple galleries in the downtown phoenix area.

Who/what inspires you?
I try to soak in as much of my surroundings as possible. Most of the time it's hard for me to remember most of it so I take lots of notes and photos. Many things locally are inspiring, but I think when I see another local artist genuinely excited about creating something, that's very inspirational.
Describe downtown Phoenix's art culture/community?
It's exciting! So many people are doing so many creative things, and I'm always inspired by local artists. In the last few years I've noticed a push for more street art and murals. I think that's a great way to bring the community together.
small mural for Phoenix Beautification Project
Oil on wood