Greetings friends! We're now 9 days into recording LP#4, so I thought it would be a good time to clue you in on what we've been working on. So far, we've tracked 6 songs, roughly. There are still a few over-dubs that we will be adding to them, but as it sits, the skeletons of these first six are recorded. The greatest part of recording these things live and to tape is that we get to hear the vibe of the songs long before we used to when we recorded separately. Some songs have changed a lot from their original demos, and some haven't really changed much at all. As always, the best idea wins. We've been in the studio for 12 hours daily, and although there is still plenty of work to be done, we're feeling great, playing great, and drinking way too much coffee. We took today off to empty out our brains for a brief moment, and it's back to work tomorrow. Here's to the next few weeks!
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-Jared and the guys.