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The Maine Forever Halloween Promo Contest

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Forever Halloween comes out in 4 days! Help The Maine spread the word by adding the below promotional tools to your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social sites you have! Simply take a screen shot of your social links and email the photos with below information filled out to

Submit with screen shots: Please include in email to



Twitter Name:




How are winners selected? 

Winners will be selected at random on Monday June 3rd. The winners will be announced on Tuesday June 4th via The Maine's social sites! 

Five winners will be selected! (This contest is open to contestants world-wide)

What are the prizes?

1. A guest list spot to a show of your choice + you can watch the band from side stage! We will also let you bring a friend!!! 

2. A $50 merch coupon to The 8123 Store (You can use store wide!)

3. A $25 merch coupon to The 8123 Store (You can use store wide!)

4. A signed copy of "Forever Halloween" Vinyl

5. A signed copy of "Forever Halloween" CD

Promotional Tools (Use these and anything you can think of!) 

Any questions? Leave them in the comments and we will get back to you! 

Hello You!

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