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8123 Fashion Blog: Hair Style

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 A whole other side of fashion besides just what you wear is beauty! That can be your make up, how you do your nails, and the very important way you style your hair! So many of my friends have been dying their hair and changing it up, and I wish I could do the same but I don't have the guts to completely change my dark blonde curls. 

But I do think adding color is a great fun thing to do in the summer time, and maybe this summer I will get the guts to do it! I found some good pictures with amazing out-there hair styles that are so cute and work out beautifully! (All photos from tumblr.)

I encourage you guys to play around with your hair and really change up your beauty routine. I know I definitely need to do that myself.

There are great things to play around with in terms of hair color, nothing is forever! Take a chance and change up your hair by adding some color if you are looking to do something fun.

-Cara, @instantlyruby

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