Hey everyone,
Welcome to the new site. This is my first post on here so I wanted to start with an update and let you know what I've been up too lately.
I shot the first batch of product shots last week for this site and things finally starting to take shape. We're all working on getting new products in line and creating lots of content to fuel this community. I'm looking forward to using this site as a new platform to communicate and get back with any and everyone interested in what we are all doing collectively. 

I also just did a collaboration t-shirt with Lost Boys which is now available on here.

On a larger scale, Since I've been back from South America with The Maine I've been sorting through the past 3 and a half years of images I've taken of them. Everything from touring with them around the world, behind the scenes of their music videos, life in Arizona on off time, writing, producing, recording their music, the ups and downs, the thick and thin, the drunk and the sober, etc... We've had a plan all along for this relationship and the big picture is finally coming into fruition. We're currently sorting, editing and writing all the crazy things that have happened in the time that we've spent together over the years.
Be on the lookout for a detailed look inside The Maine in their truest form. More details to come...
Dirk Mai