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Guest Blogger: Nicky Barkla on The Maine's new artwork

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Tim Kirch: Last January, Nicky Barkla posted a painting of her rendition of The Maine's "Pioneer" artwork. The image was posted on several sites and it eventually came across the bands eyes. Instantly we were all impressed with her work and unique style. We searched across the internet for days trying to find Nicky's contact info. We finally got a hold of her and asked if we could use the artwork for something down the road. The artwork ended up fitting in perfect with the bands vision for "Pioneer and The Good Love" and "Good Love" EP art. We hope you enjoy the art as much as we do! 

I would now like to introduce you to Nicky Barkla... 

Nicky Barkla: 

The video I did regarding the creation of The Maine cover art for 'Pioneer & The Good Love' and 'Good Love the Pioneer b-sides' with an example showing how to create a similar color effect to that of the Pioneer & The Good Love art, the materials used and the impression and concepts behind the design of both covers.

As well as a few words as an artist who avoids factors of the modern world to help stay purely inspired and focused on using art as an outlet for unique concept and self expression. Including some of my thoughts about the art in relation to other forms of creative expression with inspiration found in music and the Maine as a band.

-The creativity in every individual, aware of it or not, knows no bounds

Nicky Barkla: The Creation and Inspiration behind "Pioneer and the Good Love" & "Good Love" 

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