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8123 Fashion Blog: Simple Style Breakdown

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 I always think it is important to see how other people dress to help with your own personal style. Other people influence things we do daily. If you give yourself an example of how to dress, it can help you chose a good outfit that really works! That is why I find it so important to take notes on fashionable peoples outfits because, well, they really know how to dress.

That is why I find it important to read personal fashion blogs where people post their daily outfits. Probably my most favorite male personal fashion blog is Edward's Hair.


Edward is my favorite inspiration for everyday outfits. His style is very simple and clean, but there is something about it that really stands out and says "Wow, that guy knows how to dress!"


After looking through Edwards blog at a bunch of him outfits I gathered a few tips to take from his outfits:

1. Low cut boots always work great with jeans/pants! Leave them hanging over the shoes or cuff them.

2. Blazers are perfect for dressing up your current outfit when you are going out at night.

3. For a clean look, try a button down under a pull over sweater!



Edwards simple everyday outfits are easy to emulate, just look through your closet for some simple pieces (button downs, pants, boots) and practice pairing them in different ways! Mix and match your pants and different tops and you can have different, simple, and sleak outfits for the whole week!

-Cara, @instantlyruby

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